Code of Conduct
CADA code of conduct defines our standards of governance, management, financial accounting and reporting and describes in house mechanisms to ensure accountability of CADA’s use of public funds.
1.2 It is CADA’s aim to build trusting and creative relationships with people and communities and to meet program standards which:
-Give priority to the needs and interest of the people they serve:
-Encourage self help and self reliance among beneficiaries and thus avoid creating dependency:Involve beneficiary groups to the maximum extent possible in the design implementation and evaluation of projects and program:
-Respect and foster internationally recognized human rights, both socio – economic and political:
-Seek to enhance gender equity: and:
-Are based on an understanding of the history and culture of the people served.
1.3 CADA seeks to meet any local and national legislation applying to CADA activities such as corporation laws, rules of incorporation of associations, fund raising and charitable institutions legislation: privacy legislation, equal employment opportunity principles occupational health and safety standards, tax policy, anti – discrimination legislation, intellectual property and copyright legislation and other codes of ethics.
2.3 CADA will accord all due respect to the dignity, values, history, religion, and culture of the people with whom we work, consistent with the basic principles of human rights.
2.2 CADA was voluntarily formed and is not-for-profit.
2.3 CADA will not be willing to practice wrong doing, corruption, bribery or other financial impropriety in any of its activities. CADA will take prompt and full corrective action whenever and wherever wrongdoing is found among its governing body, paid staff,contractors,volunteers and partner Organizations.
2.4 CADA will have a policy to enable staff confidentiality to bring to the attention of the governing Body, evidence of misconduct on the part of anyone associated with CADA. All reports must be channeled through the chief executive officer which will be taken directly to a meeting of the governing body.
2.5 CADA will conduct itself in ways that do not denigrate other agencies, make misleading or false public statements regarding other agencies.
2.6 CADA will have policies and procedures to promote the safety and well being of all Children and youth accessing their services and programs, particularly to minimize the risk of abuse of children.
3.1 CADA’s articles of association are consistent with legislative requirement and set forth CADA’s basic goals and purposes, define membership, governance structure and the frequency of meetings, as well as the quorum size.
3.2 CADA’s governing body is appointed by members from the membership/supporters. The governing body approves the annual budget and delegate’s authority to staff and others. The governing body also accepts ultimate responsibility for government over all aspects of the organization. The lines of authority between governing body and management are clearly defined.
3.3 CADA has written policies covering appointment termination and, where applicable, remuneration of members of the governing body.
3.4 Members of the governing body, paid staff, and volunteers make it known to the governing body any conflict of interest or affiliation they might have with an actual or potential supplier of goods and services, recipient of grant funds or organization with competing or conflicting objectives. Members of the governing body and paid staff will absent themselves from any discussion and abstain from voting and otherwise participating in any decision on any issue in which there is a conflict of interest. Large or otherwise inappropriate gifts to members of the governing body or staff for personal use shall be forbidden.
3.5 The governing body will commit CADA to open and accurate disclosure of information concerning it goals, programs, finances and governance. Due regard will be given to the human rights and personal safety of staffs, partners and aid recipients, legal requirements regarding privacy and confidentiality,propriety information and personal matters.
3.6 CADA will hold an annual general meeting of its members as defined by its governing instrument and which meets the requirements of the legislation under which the organization is incorporated. The AGM will receive the annual audited financial statements and may appoint an independent auditor for the subsequent years.
4.1 CADA will produce an annual report which will be made available to CADA’s members, supporters and members of the public upon request.
4.2 Fundraising solicitations are truthful, adequately describe CADA’s identity, purpose, and needs and only make claims CADA will fulfill. CADA will not make any material omission or exaggeration of facts, no use of misleading photographs, or any other communication which will lead to false impression or misunderstanding.
4.3 In all fundraising activities initiated or authorized by it, CADA will have a set up to protect rights to:
– have their names deleted to mailing list CADA will wish to share
– be inform whether those seeking donations are volunteers, paid staff or agents of CADA
– get information on their application of their donation: and
-be able to identify collectors and have documentations confirming the bona fides of CADA
4.4 CADA will be responsible for all fund raising activities outsourced to a party and will put all contract and agreement in writing.
5.1 CADA will have internal procedures to minimize the risk of abuse of funds. Reporting mechanisms which facilitate accountability to members, donors and the general public will be used. CADA will have adequate procedures for the distribution and monitoring of income and expenditure. Loans to and transactions with governing members shall be publicly disclosed. Loans to staff shall be disclosed to the governing body.
5.2 Notwithstanding any other legal requirements, annual report, financial statements.
5.3 Code of conduct summary financial reports and full financial reports will be registered with an auditor who must be registered company auditor. The auditors’ statement will accompany the financial reports in the annual report.
5.4 The full financial report will be made available on request and this will be published in the annual report and in any other publications that detail, summarize or comment on CADA’s financial performance.
5.5 Donations will be use as promise or implied in fundraising appeals, or as requested by the donor. When funding is invited from the general public for a specific purpose, CADA will have a plan for handling any excess and shall make this known through the appeal.
5.6 The use of ratios in publications will at all times be accompanied by a note explaining how these have been determined.
6.1 CADA will seek to achieve best practices in its personal policies in response to initiatives in the aid sector and to changes in working and legal environments. CADA will have well defined policies and procedures relating to paid staff including expatriate and local staff employed overseas and volunteers working in regional and affiliate offices. These policies and procedures will clearly define and protect the rights and safety of personnel s assuring fair treatment in all matters.
6.2 CADA’s expectations of its employees and volunteer’s professional credentials shall be clearly communicated and consistent.
6.3 CADA will be committed to continuous improvement in its management practice including the provision of regular opportunity to employees for training and professional development.
6.4 CADA will have policies and strategies to promote gender equity especially for senior positions in the management and governance of CADA.
9.1 The Code of Conduct Document can only be amended by the CADA’s board according to CADA’s rules and objectives. The consent of the non-members of CADA who are signatories is not required for amendment of the Code of Conduct.
The Governing Body
The governing Body is the authority ultimately responsible for governance over all aspects of CADA and is responsible for CADA’s signature to and compliance with this Code of conduct. The Governing Body must be elected or appointed by members from within the membership or support base on CADA.
Conduct Policies
All beneficiaries / volunteers and employees of Collective Arts Development Association, in delivering CADA’s services and in all other activities, shall meet the following standards of conduct:
No Volunteer,Beneficiary or employee shall:
A. Authorized the use of or for the benefit or advantage of any person, emblem, the name, endorsement, services, or property of Collective Arts Development Association, except in conformance with CADA’s policy.
B. Accept or seek on behalf of any person, any financial advantage or gain of other than nominal value offered as a result of the volunteers , beneficiary or employee’s affiliation with Collective Arts Development Association.
C. Publicly use any CADA’s affiliation in connection with the promotion of partisan policies, religious matters, or positions on any issue not inconformity with the official position of CADA.
D. Disclose or use any confidential CADA information that is available sorely as a result of a volunteers , beneficiary or employee’s affiliation with CADA to any person not authorized to receive such information or use to the disadvantage of CADA, any such confidential information, without express authorization of CADA.
E. Knowingly take any action or make any statement intended to influenced the conduct of CADA in such a way as to confer any financial benefit on any person,corporation, entity in which the individual has a significant interest or affiliation.
F. Operate or act in any manner that is contrary to the best interest of Collective Arts Development Association.
G. Operate or act in a manner that creates a conflict with the interest of CADA and organization in which the individual personal, business or financial interest. The individual shall disclose such conflict of interest to the Chair of the appropriate governing board, the appropriate Chief executive officer, as applicable, upon becoming aware of it. Where required, the individual shall absent him/herself during deliberations, and shall refrain from participating in any decisions or voting in connection with the matter.
Confidential Information and Intellectual Property
CADA has sole entitlement and copyrights to any intellectual property that is conceived or developed by volunteers, beneficiaries, employees and its agents during the signing of a Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Agreement as a volunteer/beneficiary involvement. Intellectual property includes inventions, discoveries, and original works of authorship as defined by applicable patent, trademark, and copyright law. Questions about this policy should be to the Executive Director.
Harassment Free Working Place
CADA is committed to work environment free from unlawful harassment in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity while working with CADA’s premises. While traveling on CADA’s business, or at CADA’s social functions. CADA has zero tolerance for unlawful harassment. Unlawful harassment is defined as harassment based on any characteristic prospected by applicable international, national or local law including race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, veteran or disability status, which is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to alter the working conditions of a volunteer, beneficiary or employee. Examples of conduct prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to:
Verbal or physical conduct that harasses a volunteer , beneficiary or employee on the basis of a category protected by applicable law and that is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to create an intimidating, threatening, offensive or hostile environment.
Sexual display or publications, or other verbal of physical conduct, where an employee or volunteer /beneficiary is told either explicitly or implicitly that he or she must submit to the conduct to remain involved as a volunteer/beneficiary or employee where his or her reaction to the conduct is used as a basis for a management decision, such as evaluation, advancement, assigned duties, disciplinary action, or any other condition of volunteer /beneficiary involvement or career development. Examples of prohibited verbal or physical conduct include:
Unwelcome sexual advances:
Stalking, dating violence, date rape, or sexual assault.
Persisting with romantic advances despite the rejection of the advances:
Requests for sexual favors, whether or not accompanied by promises or threats with regard to the employment or volunteer /beneficiary relationship:
Sexual jokes and innuendo; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; comments about an individual’s body, sexual activity, or sexual attractiveness;
Leering, whistling, or touching; insulting or obscene comments, sounds, or gestures; displays of sexually suggestive objects, cartoons or pictures.
Words, actions or visual matter that demeans or show hostility toward an individual or group because of any characteristic protected by applicable law.
Volunteers /beneficiaries are responsible for reporting any concerns regarding unlawful harassment to management. Volunteers /beneficiaries who act in good faith to report or assist in the investigation of a possible violation of this policy will not be retaliated against. If, after investigating any claim of unlawful harassment, CADA concludes that a volunteer /beneficiary has filed a claim in bad faith, provided false information regarding a claim, or refuse to cooperate in an investigation of a claim, disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may be taken. Violations of this policy will be dealt with appropriately and promptly. Corrective action may include, but is not limited, and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Violence Free Work Environment
CADA promotes a safe work environment for all volunteers/beneficiaries and employees and does not tolerate any type of violent behavior committed by or against volunteers /beneficiaries or employees. All volunteers /beneficiaries and employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and in accordance with the Code of conduct.
Threatening or violent behavior committed by anyone against volunteers, beneficiaries ,employees.
All volunteers, beneficiaries, employees, vendors, children, youth, parents, visitors or clients during work or off-duty hours will not be tolerated.
Such behavior may include but is not limited to the following:
1) Physical injury to another person;
2) Threats;
3) Behavior that creates a responsible fear of injury in another person.
4) Intentionally causing damage to CADA’s property or property of another volunteer/beneficiary or employee;
5) Possession of weapons (for example, guns, knives, clubs, explosive devices,illicit drugs etc.) on CADA’s property while at CADA’s sponsored-activities; or
6) Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or domestic violence.
Statements or gestures which in anyway suggest that the employee/volunteer/beneficiary may engage in violent conduct will be taken seriously by management and responded to appropriately.
Volunteers/beneficiary have a responsibility to report any potentially dangerous situations or unauthorized individuals on CADA’s premises to management immediately. Reports of statements or behavior which may violate this policy will be investigated promptly and in as confidential a manner possible. A beneficiary, volunteer or employee suspected of violent behavior may be determined.
Incidents involving violent behavior by a beneficiary, volunteer or employee may warrant removal of the individual from the workplace until further evaluation determines his or her suitability to return to the workplace. An evaluation that finds a beneficiary/volunteer or employee suitable to return to the workplace does not negate further disciplinary action up to and including separation.
Dispute Resolution
CADA is committed to a work environment where all persons are treated with respect and dignity. CADA has therefore adopted the Dispute Resolution Policy to establish a comprehensive method of resolving volunteer /beneficiary concerns that builds trust and produces prompt and fair resolutions. The Dispute Resolution Policy may be used to resolve issues regarding any condition of beneficiary/volunteer involvement or the application, meaning or interpretation of any beneficiary/volunteer resource policy or procedure that affects the work activity of a beneficiary/volunteer or employee. Beneficiaries, volunteers and employees are strongly encouraged to follow the steps listed below to discuss any concerns with their supervisor.
Step One
The beneficiary/volunteer should promptly report a concern to his or her supervisor, who will investigate the matter and take appropriate action. Any supervisor who receives a concern alleging a violation of Harassment Free policy will notify the beneficiary/volunteer services coordinator immediately. If the concern, the beneficiary/volunteer is involving his or her supervisor, the beneficiary/volunteer should report his or her concern to the next level of management who will review the situation.
Step Two
If the problem is not resolved in step one, the beneficiary/volunteer is encouraged to seek assistance from the volunteer/beneficiary services coordinator. In an effort to resolve the problem, the beneficiary/ volunteer services coordinator will consider the facts, conduct an investigation, review the findings and recommendations with the Executive Director/CEO and respond back to the beneficiary/volunteer. The beneficiary/volunteer Services coordinator may ask the volunteer to put the concern in writing and provide appropriate documentation.
Step Three
If a beneficiary/volunteer is not satisfied with the decision of the beneficiary/volunteer services Coordinator, he or she may prepare a written summary of the concerns and request that the matter be review by the Executive Director / CEO. In these instances the decision of the Executive Director/CEO is final.
If the concern the beneficiary/ volunteer is having issues with the Executive Director/CEO the beneficiary/volunteer should report his or her concern to the board who will undertake an investigation. The investigation will include a full examination of the facts (which may include a review of the written summary of the beneficiary/volunteer statement, discussions with individuals concerned, and a further investigation if necessary) and will advise the beneficiary/volunteer of its decision. The decision of the board is final.
No beneficiary/volunteer will be retaliated against for acting in good faith to report a potential issue or for assisting in the investigation of a possible issue. If at any time during the process or investigation, CADA concludes that the beneficiary/volunteer has filed a claim in bad faith, has refused to cooperate in an investigation of an issue, or has provided false information regarding an issue, disciplinary action up to and including termination may be taken. CADA reserves the right to continue or suspend review of an issue if the beneficiary/volunteer raising the issues, files a charge or complaint with an external agency or terminates beneficiary/ volunteer involvement.
Progressive Discipline
CADA has adopted rules and standards to ensure productive, harmonious operations. The best interest of CADA lies in ensuring fair treatment of all beneficiaries/volunteers and in making certain that discipline is prompt, air and uniform.
CADA endorses a philosophy of progressive discipline in which it attempts to provide volunteers/beneficiaries with notice of deficiencies and an opportunity to improve whenever practical or reasonable. Beneficiaries/Volunteers’ performance and conduct is evaluated on an ongoing basis, with feedback provided when necessary. Informal discussions may be used to ensure that beneficiaries/volunteers know and follow rules and standards. These discussions should focus on clarifying expectations, providing appropriate training and development and coaching beneficiaries/volunteers. In some cases, formal disciplinary action may be deemed appropriate. Progressive discipline steps may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension and separation from services. or activities. CADA retains the right to administer discipline in any manner it deems suitable and any of the steps listed above may be skipped. Separation from service may occur at any time without any progressive discipline steps having been taken.
CADA’s Communication Systems
All communication systems are CADA’s property and are provided for administrative purposes. Because these communication systems are provided for administrative purposes, beneficiaries/volunteers should have no expectation of privacy regarding their personal use of any CADA’s communication systems, and their communications and systems use may be audited by authorized management at any time without notice. CADA’s communication systems include, but are not limited to email, telephone, internet, fax, voicemail, bulletin boards, and interoffice mail. Beneficiaries/volunteers and employees are to use proper discretion in the amount and length of non administrative use of CADA’s communication systems.
Beneficiaries/volunteers must be mindful that their association with CADA will be visible to any recipient of an electronic communication, and assure that their communications are consistent with CADA’s mission and accepted community standards.
Prohibited uses of CADA’s communication systems include, but are not limited to:
1) Developing, accessing or distributing material which:
Harasses or disparages others, or contains ethnic or racial stereotypes, epithets or slurs.
-contains drug abuse, pornography, profanity, violent or sexually explicit images, messages, or cartoons;
-solicits for commercial ventures or outside organizations.
-advocates positions not officially endorsed by CADA
-violates any applicable law
2) Personal mass e-mail distribution (“spamming”), unauthorized computer access (“hacking”) obtaining pirated software, or violating copyright protections.
3) Distributing sensitive, proprietary, confidential, or private information of CADA without appropriate authorization.
4) Obtaining unauthorized access to other beneficiary/volunteers or employees communication systems, or sending unauthorized communication under another colleague’s name.
5)Conducting CADA’s operations on a hand held cellular telephone while driving a vehicle. CADA’s communication systems may not be used in situations that violate International, national and local Law, Inappropriate use of any CADA’s communication systems may result in disciplinary action, and including separation.
Drugs and Alcohol.
CADA maintains a workplace that is free from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse. CADA will not tolerate any abuse of drugs or alcohol that imperils health or well being of its staff or the client it serves, threatens its operations, compromising the safety of its products and services.
CADA reserves the rights to establish drug and alcohol search and screening procedures consistent with applicable laws, as deemed necessary. Implementation of search or screening procedures will be established only with the joint and prior approval of the Executive Director.
While on CADA’s property or while performing CADA’s operation off premises, volunteers are prohibited from unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution, sale or dispensation of illegal drugs or alcohol. Such conduct is also prohibited during nonworking time to the extent that it violates laws, negatively affects CADA’s activities, or adversely affects the reputation of CADA.
Volunteers /beneficiaries who use legally prescribed drugs or alcohol related offense, including pleas of no contest, is obligated to inform the beneficiary/volunteer Services Coordinator within five days of said conviction or plea. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in disciplinary action up to and including separation.
Smoking inside all CADA’s facilities, including owned and leased vehicles, is prohibited.
Representing CADA
Prior to any action or statement, which might significantly affect or obligate CADA, beneficiaries/volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from the beneficiary/volunteer Services Coordinator. These actions may include but are not limited to, public statements to the press, collaboration or joint initiatives or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations. Beneficiaries/ volunteers are authorized to act as representatives of the organization as specifically indicated within their position / job descriptions and only to the extent of such written specifications.
Personal Appearance
At all times, whether in uniform or not, beneficiaries/volunteers represent CADA and should be neat in their appearance and appropriately dressed for their activities. Except in specifically designated and CADA’s authorized circumstances, beneficiaries / volunteers shall not wear the uniform or emblem of another organization while performing CADA’s activities.
Personal Phone Calls
CADA may limit the number of personal or cell phone calls received by beneficiaries / volunteers while they are serving on CADA’s activities.