What we do

We operate and manage an art school where we help severely disadvantaged youths cause by the Anglophone crisis and its consequences.  At CADA art school, we   offer training in various artistic disciplines like visual, graphic, audio-visual art and craft and also teach vital skills for economic independence and social inclusion.  In two 6-month intensive programs for thirty young people, including school drop outs, drug addicts, internally displaced, homeless and  the vulnerable, we combine practical and theoretical content. Upon successful completion of the first six months intensive training program, beneficiaries undergoes a  three months  mentorship and business coaching program to enable them create successful social enterprises.  In addition to promoting creativity, we focus on entrepreneurial skills to prepare our beneficiaries for economic self independent. The program aims to improve the prospects of young people in the long term by strengthening their life skills, promoting a positive change in attitude and increasing their chances on the job market.

We provide  mental health education, psycho social support, counseling, rehabilitation strategies and link our beneficiaries to mental health experts when need arises.  We also provide recreational activities, organize substance use/abuse sensitization, peace advocacy and environmental protection campaigns and workshops.


Our Values




Our Approach

Is integrated, participatory and holistic involving beneficiaries in all the stages of the project cycle. From programming, identification, formation, execution, monitoring and mentoring. A learning by doing approach.

Our Board Members

Angwere Claude Che Azah-Founder/Director
A visual artist and holder of a diploma in performing, fine and graphic arts. He also holds a diploma in project management, social entrepreneurship skill development.. He has worked as a commercial art agent and art facilitator in several non profit organizations, ventures and schools.
Awunti Esther Nwunibom-Programme Coordinator/Matron

A senior citizen and a community development expert. She has worked with the Cameroon government as a community development agent in several rural communities with women, youths and children in the Northwest region of Cameroon.

Mbu Sylvia- Chief Operation Officer & Public Relation Officer
Mbu Sylvia- Operation & Public Relation Officer

She is holder of a Bachelor degree in Linguistics from the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.She is presently a lecturer at the University of Bamenda. She is also a social entrepreneur and owns and manage an African Food Shop in Bamenda, the Northwest region of Cameroon.

Achunkwe Nelson Takwi-General Secretary
He is a holder of a Masters degree in Sociology and Anthropology, a Community Youth Counselor and cultural organizer.
He has also worked as an art director at Press Craft and Handicraft center in Bamenda, the Northwest region of Cameroon. He has profound experience working with youths especially in cultural aspects in line with production and distribution of art works, cultural aesthetics among others.
Ndong Eric-Chief Operating Officer & Art Director
Ndong Eric is an experience artist with a professional diploma in visual and fine art. He has worked with the most talented artist in the Northwest region of Cameroon, has served as a domestic and commercial art agent, a cultural production manager at Press Craft Bamenda, an art advisor, teacher and presently owns a small a local art gallery. He is a genius and relic in fine and abstract art with relevance to cultural context and symbolism.
Nju Bih-

She is a mental health expert and a psycho-social counselor and works with the Public health regional delegation in the Northwest region of Cameroon.

Kain Victor Awunti

Director of Finance & Information Systems

Kain Victor Awunti is holder of a Master's degree in Economics and Business management. He has worked as a branch manager of a micro finance institution in Bamenda the Northwest region of Cameroon and presently a financial adviser to many other community financial houses. He also holds a diploma in Information technology.